The Yu-Gi-Oh! Legendary Decks II Collector's Set is a must-have for fans of the original anime series, offering three powerful decks based on the iconic characters Yugi, Kaiba, and Joey. Each deck is packed with fan-favorite monsters and cards, including the legendary Exodia, Blue-Eyes White Dragon, and Red-Eyes B. Dragon. The set also features three exclusive Secret Rare cards and three Ultra Rare Token cards, making it perfect for collectors and duelists alike. With its nostalgic value and competitive potential, this collector's set is a great addition to any collection.
Key Features:
- Includes three 43-card decks: Yugi's "Exodia," Kaiba's "Blue-Eyes White Dragon," and Joey's "Red-Eyes B. Dragon."
- Features the playable Egyptian God cards in Yugi's deck.
- 3 new Secret Rare cards: "Eternal Soul," "Dark Burning Attack," and "Dark Burning Magic."
- Each deck includes 3 Ultra Rare cards and 40 commons.
- Comes with 3 Ultra Rare Token cards, adding extra value to the set.